
I Remember 2006 - Paint the Scene

〈Verse One〉

This all started a couple of years ago
When Joseph and I were sent
Three-hundred years in the future
I was an outlaw
He was a farmer
But we never met

〈Verse Two〉

He must've known about me
Through the articles
In every newspaper
For I was in a gang of outlaws
Doing these heists
And I know people got hurt

〈Verse Three〉

I'm not proud of that fact
I just wanted to prove to myself
That I wasn't someone weak
But what I did was not right
And I know that now
I've known that for a year now
〈Verse Four〉

But that man out there
Has lost it complеtely
I'm not like him
I know my limits
He has nonе left
And no excuse

〈Verse Five〉

I know what the thrill of a mission
Will do to someone
I've been there before
But I'm not the one going after young
Joseph, you can come after me all you want
But leave the kids the fuck out of this

〈Instrumental Interlude〉

〈Verse Six〉

You wanted some moral high ground?
Well, this is not it
What did they do to deserve your wrath?
If you think I'm the reason we're here
I've not a clue why we're here
Killing me won't change a thing
〈Verse Seven〉

I know you're fishing for a fight
I'll do anything to protect them
From your wrath
You wanted to seem like the better man?
Am I the one threatening two children?
You are morally bankrupt

〈Verse Eight〉

Go ahead, Joseph
I'm prepared for this
More than you'll ever think
If it's a fight you want
It's a fight you'll get
And I will end up on top


Face me, you coward

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I Remember 2006

I Remember 2006 - Biography

Based in Muskegon, Michigan, this one man band (Rafe (RonZak) LaNore) is an improvised indie rock band formed in 2015. With ten albums under his belt, let’s see if he can keep this up.