Charlotte Martin

Charlotte Martin - Все Тексты Песен, Фото и Биография [Зарубежные]

Charlotte Martin


Шарлотта Энн Мартин, американская певица и автор песен, родилась 29 марта 1976 года.Выросла в Чарльтоне,штат Иллинойс.С детства мечтала о карьере музыканта.Титул «Мисс Иллинойс» в 1994 году. Окончила Университет Восточного Иллинойса в 1998 году. Степень бакалавра в области вокального исполнения. В 1999 году Шарлотта переехала в Лос-Анджелес. 30 сентября 2005 года она вышла замуж за музыканта Кена Эндрюса. Первый ребенок, Ронен Джозеф Эндрюс, родился 4 мая 2008 года.

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Всего: 48

Charlotte Martin - One Girl Army

Such a long time so much to say She's bound and gagged 32 ways Ladies and tarts can I tell you a

Charlotte Martin - Monster

I'm so uncertain of what's growing in my head That's how it goes when there are ghosts to put to

Charlotte Martin - Apology # 1

Lord knows I must need a savior I thought I would never waver, Turning backwards-you got straighter And

Charlotte Martin - Many Rivers

I think I'll pray for a boat and I raincoat I think I'll pray for you The time I waste with my soul

Charlotte Martin - Wild Horses

Childhood living Is easy to do The things that you wanted Well I bought them for you

Charlotte Martin - Steel

The lost and insincere They think I need to hear What's in their empty eyes, eyes, eyes

Charlotte Martin - Under The Gravel Skies

If you're gone, I can still hear your voice Little voids making an anti-noise Powerless, I need to rest

Charlotte Martin - Redeemed

Every tree has got a root And every girl forbidden fruit and got her demons And the path I chose to go, a

Charlotte Martin - Bring On The Day

Well, I'm feeling like I'm falling But I'm still on my feet Reality is calling But that

Charlotte Martin - Your Armor

Would you like the chance to shatter heaven? Would you like to be the one who pulls the sky down just for me?

Charlotte Martin - Pretty Thing

Am I treading in your flow Well, maybe I don't wanna know That we are gone before we go And you are

Charlotte Martin - The Girl I Left Behind

The girl I left behind me was bad at being good The happiest arsonist that ever was The happiest communist

Charlotte Martin - Beautiful Life

You can't judge the love by the lover The sky by its thunder, the road with no sign You can't make

Charlotte Martin - These Bones

Come down The ground's not soft enough to catch you In your fall, it seems small when you have been that

Charlotte Martin - Stromata

The clues to you and I are sprawlin' out like roads And if we find a place for them, they won't lead