Closet Monster

Closet Monster - Все Тексты Песен, Фото и Биография [Зарубежные]

Closet Monster


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Всего: 37

Closet Monster - Freedom Is Slavery

I'm free to choose between pepsi and coke. isn't life here swell (fuckin' grand)? I'm free to buy

Closet Monster - Playground

What a wonderful place. Where buildings rise and cities fall short of a better place. What a wonderful

Closet Monster - Right From Birth

Born, then taught to accept. From mass media brainwash, this is how and why you're going to act. Taught not to

Closet Monster - Prison Of Your Mind

Freedom doesn't lie inside your hands it lies inside your head Blood on your shoes, you'll dance for them

Closet Monster - Battle Cry For A Better World

Man made convention breeds accident prevention. A garbage man blew his head off; he deals with all our waste.

Closet Monster - The Great Mall Explosion

I thought it was the underground - That we built something ourselves. A self-sufficient subculture- a home

Closet Monster - Higher Education

Politics social-popularity dirty-tricks status-quo and Em TV What is hip? Fashion tips and football teams it makes me

Closet Monster - Corporate Media Death Squad

Just one more headline, stop the press. Forget about their news. Its filtered through years of pedigree and

Closet Monster - Yes, This Is A Guilt Trip

Security, just pull it in and wrap it around. It's your insulation, so quickly taken for granted. How

Closet Monster - Suburbia

Born and raised in Suburbia in a middle class life with no idea, you don't know where you're going, you

Closet Monster - I Have No Mouth But I Must Scream

My brain hurts I'm suffering from a pure overload I need some time to get away Before my thoughts take over me I

Closet Monster - Open Scene, Open Arms: Your Application Is Denied

Rise up. And cut the purse strings that hang you. And drop cause when we fall we're caught. WE

Closet Monster - Heart Strings

Today, I'm facing so far away, from you, It seems like yesterday, We'd left and carried on our own

Closet Monster - One Capitalist Always Kills Many (Fat Cats)

Karl would role over in his grave if he saw the world today it seems that we've all rolled over and died Our

Closet Monster - Nausea

Spinning Room is the words right come out wrong good thing too much