They Ate Isengard

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They Ate Isengard


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Всего: 13

They Ate Isengard - Harvey Parker's Gospel

God damned this, the consolation to fall The least they want me to save my own from desolation, The

They Ate Isengard - God's Brothel

By God I've figured out why it still rains at night, Your tired gloomy eyes set fire to this January sky

They Ate Isengard - Honeybucket

Demolition is a nasty thing, it can never end well If you're out here looking for a something I

They Ate Isengard - Laudanum (03:10)

The night was dark. There were no stars. The air was cold So was your heart If I collect you, will

They Ate Isengard - Sillynaggers Of The Quantum Foam

Oh what have I done I'm broken Oh, what have I done You broke me In my arms I have the

They Ate Isengard - Power Of The Hour

It was so long ago, What's left are only fragments Not truth nor lies Just something that I saw,

They Ate Isengard - Twisp And The Cone

The moon's so bright and the mood's so low Everybody's longing for that rock'n'roll

They Ate Isengard - Statics

The air is crystal cold and ground shimmers from the snow And the silence as we speak make way for all these

They Ate Isengard - I'm Jealous Of Your Robotomy

I've been dealing with it 405, guess you could stop me now I don't believe we've ever met before,

They Ate Isengard - Son Battement De CЕ“ur

As she scribbled my heart down on the rusty edge of the only replica ever made, My attention was captured by the

They Ate Isengard - When The Moon Tilted Backwards

When the moon tilted backwards and the oceans were dry, We could wish for some better times to form from this

They Ate Isengard - God Is A Lonely Hummingbird And His Wings Are Dead

Time is a creature Lift me up, closer to god Your busy hands turn dust to gold Lift me up, i swear, i

They Ate Isengard - Joastelle

Don't know, it's just been so quiet lately when you're around, I've seem to've lost myself