This Providence

This Providence - Все Тексты Песен, Фото и Биография [Зарубежные]

This Providence


This Providence образовались в 2001 году в Сиэтле, Вашингтоне. Сначала они были известны как Sunday Best. Под их нынешним названием они сами, без посторонней помощи выпустили свой первый EP в 2003. Коллектив состоял из вокалиста/гитариста Dan Young, гитариста Gavin Phillips, басиста/вокалиста Phil Cobrea и барабанщика Ryan Tapert. Они уже имели множество поклонников, когда учились в старшей школе.

Внимание лэйблов тоже не обошло их стороной. С помощью продюсера Casey Bates их дебютный альбом Our Worlds Divorce был выпущен в конце 2004. С ним-то ребята и поехали в тур по стране. В 2006 году This Providence подписали контракт с Fueled by Ramen и выпустили второй полноценный альбом под названием This Providence в сентябре того же года. В ноябре же басист Phil Cobrea покинул группу из-за того, что не хотел надолго расставаться с семьёй и своей подружкой.

Отношения с ним у группы до сих пор дружеские: Фил пообещал, что обязательно будет поддерживать группу в родном Сиэтле, но в постоянном составе его место занял David Blaise.

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Всего: 37

This Providence - To Kill This

with a lack of self esteem i walked into my teens and six years later i'm still frustrated, i'm still not

This Providence - Secret Love And The Fastest Way To Loneliness

She puts on a pretty dress and wears it all over town. All over town. Says, "I can give you what you

This Providence - The Pursuit Of Happiness: The 2nd Movement

I know, I know, I know the secret to your happiness. Oh I know, I know. Take a deep breath, there's

This Providence - Wolf In Sheep's Clothing

You're throwing everything you have at me Cheap shots, low blows, will you ever let it go You're so

This Providence - Best Wishes

your words hit harder than expected i couldn't sleep cause my dreams were interrupted by the bittersweet

This Providence - Walking On Water

Who would I be? Where would I be going if I didn't have you to shake my face? Why do you care? Why

This Providence - That Girl's A Trick

You've got me wrapped around your finger, wrapped around your finger. Oh, I gladly wear this noose around my

This Providence - Card House Dreamer

My world is falling apart. I was a fool, I never saw it coming. Oh no, no. My life is like a card

This Providence - Our Flag Is White

i'll run and hide under my bed you're calling my name from outside my door but i'm not ready yet

This Providence - An Ocean Between

I find myself so tangled up. In all of our ideas. We could run away, get a job. In a small town on the

This Providence - Twisted System

"sorry i'm just tired," you said i made a scene and you replied "sorry that i'm tired,

This Providence - Picture Day

this weather reflects my face rainy day this place hurts my eyes i think i could break down and cry

This Providence - Anything Is Possible

Hey, hey I could run away. Run away from everything I know. I know I shouldn't feel this way.

This Providence - The Road To Jericho Is Lined With Starving People

There's a man on the side of the road, Left foot dead, people passing by turn their head. There's a

This Providence - The Letdown

I got those lovesick blues I feel it more than ever Sinking in my chest like a Ship in the blue, do do