Luke Sital-Singh

Luke Sital-Singh - All Lyrics, Photos and Biography

Luke Sital-Singh


Luke Sital-Singh, a British singer-songwriter, was brought up in the small south west London town of New Malden – birthplace of John Martyn and Jamie Woon.

The youngest of three brothers, Luke Sital-Singh was encouraged to embrace musical instruments from a young age. He cites his influences as Neil Young and Bruce Springsteen, but this takes nothing away from Luke’s originality: The Guardian described him as “breathing life into a tired form.”

But it was a combination of Brighton and Damian Rice that largely determined Sital-Singh’s path to being a singer songwriter.

The thing that started me off before I was really into music, was that socially I was a metal head; nothing to do with what I do now, and it never meant anything to me. But the thing that first meant something to me was Damian Rice’s album, O. That changed my musical outlook; a conversion experience! And, I picked up an acoustic guitar. That was the DNA I took to becoming a singer songwriter. I learnt all his songs, performed them at gigs. I haven’t listened to that album for years, but it means a lot to me as a starting point."

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