
BERITH - Lift Me Up

original text at
Lift me up, like you've always done

Take me back to dreams like I am young

I grew up, when hopes and fields were green

I was told, I could catch any dream

And I went looking, but lost my aim in haste

Broken dreams, are bitter to the taste

All the days, I feel just in-between;

That perfect life, I have never seen

Can’t touch tomorrow, and yesterday is gone

I guess today, will have to be the one

Lift me up, like you've always done

Take me back to dreams like I am young

Lift me up, to know that I belong

A sense that life has meaning, all along

Let me find; - Magic's never gone..

I can feel, in the rain and wind and sun

All the people, the friendships I have won

And the close ones, who move my heart with love

All the kindness, that lifts my eyes above

Lift me up, like you’ve always done

Take me back to dreams like I am young

Lift me up, to know that I belong

A sense that life has meaning, all along

Let me find; - Magic's never gone..




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Berith - Biography
