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Summer holidays

    Summer holidays.
    Russian pupils have for holidays a year. The academic year is split into four terms. Autum vacation and spring vacation are very short. They last only a week each. But it is quite enough for my classmates and me to go to holiday-house or another city for a change.
    Summer holidays are wonderul. there are many long sunny days. There is no school. There are new friends and many interesting things to see and to do.
    Some children spent their holidays at the seaside, some in the mountains andsome in the country.
    As for me,I spent this summer at the sea in Anapa and in the country.
    The beach is a traditional summer destination for thousands of people.The wealth of thing to do includes sunbathing. The Black sea is one of the most wonderful pleces which aftracts holudays-makers all over the world. There are many resthomes, sanatories and tourisr camps there. But it is olso possible to rent a room or a furnished house for a couple of weeks there. As a rule, I make new friends there. In the day-time we play volleyball, tennis,swim in the warm water of the sea and sunbathe.
    Ever presented breezes keep the temperature comfortable and the water warm. Beach cities are the centres for easy going life styles. The newest trends in youth culture often originate there. For example, the rollerskating craze started on the Venice boardwalk.
    Thaugh sea, sun and sand are the same, people try to go to a different places every year, becouse fauna and flora and the air are different.
    Spending holidays on the beach is a great rest though many people combine sunbathing with visiting museums and places of intrest.
    sometimes in summer my parents and I go on a long journey. We visit ancient Russian towns or go on a boat-trip. I like boat-trips very much. The boat drops on anchor at every town. We go out on the shore and an excursion for an haur or two. We visit the places of interest and have a chance to learn more about the history of this or that town or place.
    But mostly we spend the summer holidays in the country. In my opinion? there is nothing like the Russian countryside. We have got a small country house in a very picturesque place not for from Volgograd. There is river and a lake there. My friends and I often go swimming and boating there.
    I played with Alex, Ira and Ann, who lives down the road. Every day we fed the horses and went riding. Every aftermoon we went swimming in the river. I was also fond or lying in the sun. There`s a lot of fish in the lake, so I sometimes went fishing. I like to sit in silence for a while waiting for a fish to get caught and listening to the bird singing in the trees. When I happened to catch a fish I set it free at once, becouse I went in for fishing just for pleasure.
    When it was very hot my friends and I usually went to the forest. The air is cool and fresh there.I like to walk in the shade of the trees and pick mushrooms and berries. Alex has got a dog called samanta. It becomes so happy when Alex and I take to the forest. Samanta likes to run after batterflies or dragonflies. I sometimes played with it. I threw a stick and ut brought it back to me.
    Time passed quickly and soon we hade to make our way back. We returned home sunburnt and full of impressions.



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