
Grape Digging Sharon Fruits - The New Chairman

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The new chairman of the board is in
He's got some crazy ideas
And I just wondered what your thoughts are
(Looks like Russell Crowe) (yeah!)
We had Russell Crowe in the studio
And he said a lot of things
That I thought might have been constructive
But, well, who knows with Russell ? He's said to be a live wire you know
He'll get up at the crack of dawn
And be out there in the sunshine
He'll be saying things to a friend
A friend who's probably still half asleep
But Russell, oh he'll be awake
He'll be enjoying the birds
He'll probably have a croissant
He's partial to a croissant
And then that's really the story of Russell
And how he came to be the new chairman
He just stormed in one day and said
"My father he owns all the shares
I want to take my place as the head of the board"
And I said "Russell, you've got
To go through the proper channels
The channel being the one that you choose on a 1-9 possibly
And I remember I think he said "Well I'll have 6 then"
And I thought it was a bit flippant, a bit melancholy
And I said "Russell, you can't just choose randomly a channel"
And he said "Well, what if I made my mind up? You know?
Why would I not choose 6? Is it like 6 is the wrong number?"



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Grape Digging Sharon Fruits - The New Chairman | Lyrics
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Photo Grape Digging Sharon Fruits

Grape Digging Sharon Fruits

Grape Digging Sharon Fruits - Biography
